3 Reasons Why Your Jaw Is Throbbing In Pain

Jaw and tooth pain can be one of the most painful feelings you can experience in your life time. With proper dental care and hygiene habits, throbbing jaw and tooth pain can be reduced. However, when your jaw is throbbing in pain, it is normal for you to want to know what could be causing it. Here are some of the top causes of throbbing jaw pain.

Tooth Decay

As teeth become covered in plaque, tooth decay can begin to affect the gums. This can lead to pain in your jaw area over time. This infected piece of gum will continue to make your jaw throb and hurt until the decayed tooth is completely removed and antibiotics are taken to remove any infection left. Tooth decay can be prevented, but it is also treatable. Before it becomes too bad, a dental exam can identify and resolve the problem.

Incoming Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are an additional set of molars that can form even after the patient enters adulthood. Many people experience a throbbing pain in their jaw towards the back when their wisdom teeth start coming in. The teeth pushing up out of the jaw and through the gums cause this. This can lead to sensitivity when chewing, as well. According to the NY Times, a dentist, Dr. Louis K. Rafetto, stated, "It's hard to get a percentage, but probably 75 to 80 percent of people do not meet the criteria of being able to successfully maintain their wisdom teeth."

Bruxism (Teeth Clenching or Grinding)

Bruxism is also known as teeth clenching or grinding. It happens most often at night, when the person is unaware that they are doing it. This wears teeth down, and does serious damage to the tongue and gums. People with this condition require special mouth guards that protect the teeth, gums and tongue. However, before knowing they have this condition, the person will oftentimes experience a throbbing jaw pain, and tooth discomfort. Medical News Today estimates that around 15 to 33% of children grind their teeth.

Once you have figured out the problem, you can take steps to fix the issue. Taking a mild painkiller can reduce the pain you're in, but correcting the problem entirely will ensure it doesn't happen again in the future. Speak with a dentist regarding the pain you're experiencing to get a personalized dental plan to prevent and treat any jaw discomfort you're having.

To learn more, contact a dental clinic like Ann L Ortega DDS
