3 Issues To Remedy Before Having Your Dental Implant Installed

Dental implants are used to restore teeth that are missing. As long as your overall health is good, a dental implant is often a suitable tooth-replacement option. Nevertheless, there are circumstances that may need to be remedied before a dental implant is installed. Here are a few of them.

You Smoke Regularly

If you smoke regularly, your tobacco usage may impact the way that your dental implant heals. Smoking can delay the healing of wounds due to the reduction in circulation to the site of the damage.

When a dental implant is placed, it is positioned inside the jawbone. Over the course of a few months, the implant heals. During the healing process, the bone of the jaw fuses with the dental implant to cause it to stabilize. Once this fusion process, which is called osseointegration, is completed, the dental implant is as stable as a natural tooth root. However, if the implant healing process is interrupted or slowed due to tobacco exposure, the dental implant restoration may fail.

It is best to avoid smoking before and after the placement of your dental implant. Thus, if you currently smoke, speak to your doctor about methods that can be used to help you overcome the habit.

You Have Poorly Controlled Blood Sugar

If your blood sugar is poorly controlled, it can cause your implant wound not to heal properly. Additionally, an increase in blood sugar can cause an overgrowth of oral bacteria. Since the oral bacteria release bacterial acids as they feed, an increase in the number of microbes in your mouth can result in inflammation of the gums and other soft tissues that also help support your dental implant. 

If your blood sugar is not stable, be sure that you are following your doctor's instructions concerning diet and medication. Also, continue to participate in any exercises or activities that your doctor advises. Muscle development can help increase insulin sensitivity.

Until your blood sugar remains stable, it may be best to forgo your dental implant procedure. However, once it is well controlled, your chance of a successful implant should be the same as that for a person without blood sugar problems. 

You Suffer From Bruxism

If you suffer from bruxism, you grind your teeth at night. This grinding can cause a dental implant to be moved out of place. To avoid damage to a dental implant, be sure to wear a dentist-approved mouthguard at night. If you don't have a mouthguard, purchase one before having your implant installed.

To learn more about protecting a dental implant and improving its chance of success, schedule an appointment with a dentist in your area.
