3 Pain-Free Cosmetic Dental Treatments You Can Do in an Hour

For many people, the thought of spending time in a dentist's chair is terrifying. For them, the less time spent at the dentist, the better. But not all dental treatments hurt or take forever to complete. If you are looking for a painless way to improve your smile, then consider opting for one or more of the following three cosmetic dental treatments. 1. In-Office Teeth Whitening If your teeth are not as white as you'd like them to be, then in-office teeth whitening is a fast and painless way to whiten them. Read More 

Should You Choose Dentures Or Implants?

Tooth loss affects everybody, no matter how well they think they take care of their teeth. If you are in a position where you have lost multiple teeth, you might be thinking about whether you should choose dental implants or dentures. In fact, there are many good reasons why you might choose dental implants instead of dentures. These are a few things you should consider before you choose one option over another. Read More