3 Ways Veneers Can Help You Get A Better Smile

Has your dentist suggested that porcelain veneers are the answer to giving you that perfect smile? Porcelain veneers are one of the best ways to quickly get a smile that will improve your appearance. However, if you're still on the fence about whether this is the right choice for you, here's a look at what it could potentially do for your smile.  Close Gaps In Teeth Porcelain veneers are excellent for closing gaps within teeth. Read More 

Why Invest In Dental Implants When You’re OK With Dentures?

If you're OK with dentures, then why consider dental implants? Dentures can meet your needs up to a point, then at some point, you have to have them replaced with new dentures so you can enjoy a better quality of life and better oral health. Teeth implants can be especially beneficial to you if you have had teeth missing from the front of your mouth that are noticeable when you smile and speak, so visit your dentist to see if this is the best option for your needs. Read More 

What You Need To Know About Crossbites

A crossbite is a dental condition in which the upper and lower teeth do not meet properly. In a normal bite, the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth slightly, allowing for proper chewing and biting. However, in a crossbite, the opposite occurs, and the lower teeth overlap the upper teeth. This can lead to a range of dental problems and should be corrected as soon as possible. Here is what you need to know: Read More 

Why Choose Dental Implants

Dental implants are faux teeth that are surgically inserted into the gums using a metal post, and a faux tooth is then screwed into the top of the post. It is used to mimic a natural tooth and can act just like a natural tooth as well. Dental implants take time to get done, but the effort is worth the result in the end. Dental implants are a great option when you are dealing with a missing tooth, as it can be very difficult to tell the difference between the implant and one of your other natural teeth. Read More 

Do You Want Your Dental Implant To Be Fitted In A Single Appointment?

For many patients, there's a waiting period after they have a dental implant installed. Their jaw needs to heal around the implant (a small titanium screw). When this integration has been finished—often several months later, a natural-looking porcelain prosthetic tooth is attached to the implant, and the process is complete. But for some patients, it's possible to combine these steps into a single appointment. Are you eligible for same-day dental implant treatment? Read More