By now, you are likely aware that regular flossing is essential for healthy teeth and gums. It removes food particles and bacteria from tiny spaces your toothbrush can't reach. Although flossing may seem simple enough, it is still possible to make mistakes.
Here are a few common flossing mistakes you should avoid.
Not Flossing Your Teeth Often Enough
If you only floss when you get a big piece of food stuck between your teeth, this practice will not be adequate enough.
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Dentists are important medical professionals. They care for a person's oral health, performing exams and cleanings that keep teeth and gums in excellent condition. You can make the most of each visit to the dentist's office by playing an active role in your dental care. Here are four things you should do while you're at the dentist's office:
1. Tell your dentist if you're feeling nervous.
It's common for people to have some anxiety about dental procedures.
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For many people, the thought of spending time in a dentist's chair is terrifying. For them, the less time spent at the dentist, the better. But not all dental treatments hurt or take forever to complete. If you are looking for a painless way to improve your smile, then consider opting for one or more of the following three cosmetic dental treatments.
1. In-Office Teeth Whitening
If your teeth are not as white as you'd like them to be, then in-office teeth whitening is a fast and painless way to whiten them.
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Tooth loss affects everybody, no matter how well they think they take care of their teeth. If you are in a position where you have lost multiple teeth, you might be thinking about whether you should choose dental implants or dentures.
In fact, there are many good reasons why you might choose dental implants instead of dentures. These are a few things you should consider before you choose one option over another.
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Most people have smooth, glossy-looking teeth, so it's quite unusual to see someone who has bumpy or pitted-looking teeth. If you have pitted teeth yourself, then rest assured that you're likely in no danger from them, but it's understandable if you're not too happy with the impact it's having on your appearance. Here's why your concerns aren't unfounded and what you can do to combat this strain on your appearance.
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